‘The Stratford Upon Avon & Midland Junction Railway’ (or S.M.J.) was a small independent railway company which ran a line across the empty, untouched centre of England. It visited the counties of Northamptonshire, Warwickshire, Oxfordshire and a little of Buckinghamshire, only existing as the SMJ from 1909 to 1923. In 1923 the S.M.J.became a minor arm of the London Midland and Scottish (L.M.S.), then in 1948 'British Railways' 

Gone but not forgotten: "the damsel is not dead, but sleepeth"


SMJ Forum

SMJ seats at York Museum ? 1 Reply

I took my grandson to the National Railway Museum on Dec. 30th and noticed two bench seats, of the type found on station platforms until traditional stations were replaced with bus-shelters. Both bear the title " STRATFORD " - I'll try and upload…Continue

Started by Paul Atherton. Last reply by Simon Dunkley Feb 22.

More building at Towcester 2 Replies

I hear there has been more building at the station site in Towcester.Anyone know what they've dug up?…Continue

Tags: Towcester

Started by Andy Thompson. Last reply by Nigel Nov 7, 2024.

Broom History Group Event 9th November 2024

Broom History Group will be holding an event at Broom Village Hall 2-4pm on 9th November 2024 including a film on the railway and Broom Junction.…Continue

Started by Simon Stevens Oct 25, 2024.

Misunderstanding Easton Neston 2 Replies

Hello, I'm a new member and I've searched through the articles and can't find anything specific to my answer/ question. Can anyone help?…Continue

Started by Matt Davis. Last reply by Matt Davis Oct 16, 2024.

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Dick Bodily
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Dick Bodily's Discussions

Newport Pagnell OO gauge - MK Museum
1 Reply

Started this discussion. Last reply by Dick Bodily Jan 19, 2022.

Link to About my Area website article about the unveiling of Towcester sign
2 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Dick Bodily Dec 21, 2019.


Dick Bodily's Page

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Dick Bodily commented on Andy Thompson's photo

map 1965

"I don't think so but I will ask Rex Partridge who is a fount of knowledge on railways of the Byfield / Woodford Halse area."
Dec 16, 2023
Dick Bodily commented on Dick Bodily's page Locomotive types seen on SMJR rails
"Two additions recently 94xx tank as seen in breakdown picture, also a pir of Class 27 diesels as per Barry Taylor  (Dick B)"
Dec 5, 2023
Dick Bodily posted a status
"It's great to again be able to see the articles and pictures that disappeared. Well done Andy! Dick B"
Nov 22, 2023
Simon Stevens commented on Dick Bodily's page Locomotive types seen on SMJR rails
"DMU pedantry follows! The railtour DMU (3 car set with Derby style ends, destination blinds in the cab roof and low density layout) can only be a Derby class 108 or Gloucester class 119. I think it's a Gloucester unit. The main clue is the way…"
Mar 6, 2022
Dick Bodily commented on Dick Bodily's page Locomotive types seen on SMJR rails
"Updated 24th Feb 2022"
Feb 24, 2022
Dick Bodily replied to Dick Bodily's discussion 'Newport Pagnell OO gauge - MK Museum'
"I don't know how I overlooked it when cycling along the cycle path that was once the Newport Pagnell branch. I must have been looking out for walkers and dogs, etc. and not looking up, but the Home signal post for Newport complete with replica…"
Jan 19, 2022
Dick Bodily posted a discussion

Newport Pagnell OO gauge - MK Museum

I've added this photo album for Jon , David and anyone else to see. As its not SMJR related I will delete it after a few weeks. here is a linkNewport Pagnell OO gauge - MK Museum - The SMJ SocietyThere is also a layout of Wolverton Station attached to the layout in the transport Hall of MK Museum. I can remember seeing the Newport section at a model railway show a few years ago. the elderly gent who owned it was GWR…See More
Jan 15, 2022
Dick Bodily posted photos
Jan 15, 2022
Dick Bodily left a comment for Jon Bradshaw
"David and Jon There is a OO gauge layout of the stations of the Newport Branch at the Milton Keynes Museum in the Transport Hall. Obviously the line between the four stations ( Wolverton, New Bradwell, Great Linford and Newport itself) is very…"
Jan 14, 2022
Dick Bodily replied to Ron Johnson's discussion 'Does this show the Scratter at Roade?'
"I wonder if Pianoforte Supplies had a cricket pitch near their works and if that was so was that the location of the match. If so it could have been either line as the LNWR main line would not have been in the deep cutting that far south. The…"
Jan 12, 2022
RogerHowes left a comment for Dick Bodily
"Read your report with Albert, I remember him when I was a young trainspotter in Woodford and met up with him again at the GCR Loughborough. I wrote a long article in the magazine given out that weekend. Bill Howes (Great Uncle) drove 44814 the last…"
May 19, 2020
Dick Bodily commented on Dick Bodily's photo

Woodford 8F on SMJR track lifting train at Blakesley

"No, but it was soon after the closure between Woodford and Blisworth Ironstone Sidings, almost certainly 1964, but could be early 1965. The work would have been taking place nearer to Towcester as the train was already travelling quite fast when I…"
Mar 20, 2020
Dick Bodily posted a photo

SMJ regular when shedded at Northampton, 8F Star Consul 48305

Could be the Woodford West - Blisworth afternoon mineral working which 48305 often appeared on when a 2E engine. Photographed from Quorn bridge on GCR. The star under its number denotes that its motion was especially balanced to allow it to run…
Feb 1, 2020
Dick Bodily replied to Jack Freuville's discussion 'Aircraft crash'
"Not as dramatic from a railway point of view but very tragic, three USAF Flying Fortresses on an in formation training flight from Snetterton collided above the SMJ between Blakesley and Moreton Pinkney on 11th October 1944. Two came down…"
Jan 27, 2020
Dick Bodily replied to Dick Bodily's discussion 'Link to About my Area website article about the unveiling of Towcester sign'
"Don, try these links to pictures well back on the website. The sign is in the bar at the Towcester Mill Brewery in the lane next to the church. Its a nice little pub for having a drink of its own brew with no music, no TV, no meals, nor kids…"
Dec 21, 2019
Donald Cook replied to Dick Bodily's discussion 'Link to About my Area website article about the unveiling of Towcester sign'
"G'day Dick,trust all is well with you. Is there a photo of this sign on the site?  If it's looking a bit worse for wear it could be a candidate for 'The Repair Shop' on the tele."
Dec 18, 2019

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Comment Wall (34 comments)

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At 9:00 on May 19, 2020, RogerHowes said…

Read your report with Albert, I remember him when I was a young trainspotter in Woodford and met up with him again at the GCR Loughborough. I wrote a long article in the magazine given out that weekend. Bill Howes (Great Uncle) drove 44814 the last loco off shed and on the 50th Anniversary of that at Loughborough I had the honour of driving 5305 numbered as 44814 on the Sunday and have a nice picture of me on it and Albert 

At 14:31 on March 19, 2018, Martin Taylor Coupe said…

Hello Dick - Yes, I remember our Warley chat, and I've also enjoyed your article in a recent magazine. I'm sure I'll find SMJ Soc. membership most rewarding. Martin

At 22:16 on February 20, 2018, Peter S Lewis said…

Dick... I guess for some people its all relative!!!!


At 19:11 on December 18, 2016, NIGEL said…

Further history on 0-6-0 La Savoie. In 1841 Joseph Locke, engineer of the Paris & Rouen Railway, asked Brassey & Mackenzie contractors, in conjunction with William Allcard, contractor for the Permanent Way on the Grand Junction Railway and William Buddicom, engineer, to jointly supply the plant at the Chartreux Works. Hence the company of Allcard & Buddicom was formed specifically to supply locomotives, carriages & wagons to the Compagnie de Chemins de Fer de Rouen. This contract was for 40 locos, 120 2nd class carriages & 200 wagons. The first locos were built in October 1842, to an "Allen Crewe" design manufactured under license. In 1845 the company moved to better premises in Sotteville near Rouen. The 2 French tender engines 2-4-0 and 0-6-0 were purchased from Le Chemin de Fer de Rhone et Loire in 1858 by Thomas Brassey for a contract in Savoy, namely the Mont Ceris Tunnel Railway, which opened in October 1871. Savoy is part of the Auvergne-Rhone-Alps region following its annexation to France in June 1860. The test train took a party of 54 including Buddicom, Crampton & Brassey as Director. Both French engines were probably hired to the E & WJR in 1874 from Thomas Brassey.

Thomas Crampton, an English engineer, was the contractor who built the line for the E & WJR and was later a director of that company.

William Buddicom, an English engineer, who built some of the first locomotives in France.

Thomas Brassey, an English civil engineering contractor, had by 1870 built 75% of French Railways, 33% of British Railways, and 1 in 20 miles of railways in the world.

Two questions come to mind. When was La Savoie actually named and where was she built? We know La Savioe was built in one of two places, but was she named in honour of Savoy being annexed to France?

At 13:03 on October 9, 2015, Murray Wilson said…


I have seven photos of the magazine's pages relating to Blakesley Hall Railway waiting to be sent to you. I do not know how to send attachments via this site so please let me know your email address. Have you tried toysteam31@gmail.com for me?


At 16:24 on October 7, 2015, Murray Wilson said…


I am not good at navigating around sites such as this. I have an email with first effort copies of an article I wish to send to you, I know you have been unable to reach me through my usual email address so please try toysteam31@gmail.com


At 11:36 on June 16, 2015, Robin Cullup said…

47203%20%40%20Swithland%20on%20passenger%2013.6.15.jpgFurther to Dick's comments re the Woodford Halse event at the GC last weekend, I attach a couple of photographs - one of 43106 - a Woodford resident for some in the late'50s/early 60s. This loco moved on to various other sheds including a short stint at Kettering in 1963.

The other is of 47406 renumbered as 47203 going well on a passenger duty at Swithland. 47203 was at L'ster GC as yard shunter in 1958/59,

replacing J52 68839.


At 19:52 on February 18, 2015, Nick Meredith said…

Yes Mark Reader is one if our group. He recently joined us when we discovered he had been planning a layout, also in N gauge based on Kineton for done time. His plans are earlier period than ours so there may well be compromise.

I'll pass on your message when I see him tomorrow evening.

At 9:04 on July 1, 2013, Ian Costello said…


please feel free to don't know if you are aware but Rubio is buried at Sholebrook Lodge' Whittlebury

Regards Ian

At 23:45 on June 15, 2012, Peter William Reynolds said…

Many thanks for the welcome Dick. I am one of Frank's nephews, known as William, or Bill, and son of Jim who was the eldest of the Reynolds boys. There were actually five of them, Jim, Frank, Reg, Ron and Cliff. My father was a policeman and I grew up in Northampton and  have many fond memories of Blakesly.


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