‘The Stratford Upon Avon & Midland Junction Railway’ (or S.M.J.) was a small independent railway company which ran a line across the empty, untouched centre of England. It visited the counties of Northamptonshire, Warwickshire, Oxfordshire and a little of Buckinghamshire, only existing as the SMJ from 1909 to 1923. In 1923 the S.M.J.became a minor arm of the London Midland and Scottish (L.M.S.), then in 1948 'British Railways' 

Gone but not forgotten: "the damsel is not dead, but sleepeth"


SMJ Forum

SMJ seats at York Museum ? 1 Reply

I took my grandson to the National Railway Museum on Dec. 30th and noticed two bench seats, of the type found on station platforms until traditional stations were replaced with bus-shelters. Both bear the title " STRATFORD " - I'll try and upload…Continue

Started by Paul Atherton. Last reply by Simon Dunkley Feb 22.

More building at Towcester 2 Replies

I hear there has been more building at the station site in Towcester.Anyone know what they've dug up?…Continue

Tags: Towcester

Started by Andy Thompson. Last reply by Nigel Nov 7, 2024.

Broom History Group Event 9th November 2024

Broom History Group will be holding an event at Broom Village Hall 2-4pm on 9th November 2024 including a film on the railway and Broom Junction.…Continue

Started by Simon Stevens Oct 25, 2024.

Misunderstanding Easton Neston 2 Replies

Hello, I'm a new member and I've searched through the articles and can't find anything specific to my answer/ question. Can anyone help?…Continue

Started by Matt Davis. Last reply by Matt Davis Oct 16, 2024.

SMJ photos

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I have read recently heard the (valid) point that things are getting lost, fragmented on the website. I would love some feed-back from you as to the direction of may-be a better navigation system for this lost stuff to be found or any other ideas you might have.

Please remember the site is hosted on a third-party platform from www.ning.com and I do have to work within the constraints of that.

Some suggestions would be great and I could see if they could be implemented. A thought I had is albums for images. When uploading images can you put them in an album where they can be kept together. I could go through the images I put up and put those into relevant albums


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I didn't mean any real criticism when I remarked on having difficulty finding things. I think your idea about organising the images into albums is a really good one. Conversely, I think it would best if the 3 discussion categories were lumped together as I often have difficulty deciding which category to find a particular discussion in as the category titles are rather subjective.


I never took it as a criticism - its no good me sitting here typing away at my computer making (very good) websites with out you lot. I want to know what your suggestions are to improve things and move on.

The category thing I can do now!


The Search facility is quite effective...so if you were looking for a location or engine (by number or name), or discussion subject, I think the search facility will quickly locate it...

That's a good point Pete. The search facility relies on everyone putting in 'Tags' when they upload a video, photo or Forum entry. The data base is only as good as the information we all put into it - I might work on getting us all to Tag properly and then use 'Search'

Can everyone use the 'Tags' section when uploading images. The 'Tags feed the search box at the top of the page and will help to find items
Please fill in the 'Tags' box when uploading and describing work to describe your item as this will help those using the search facility. The search box (top right) reads the tags you put on items - the more information you add, the better the search - try it!
It is handy that you can edit the picture to add tags which will stop duplication of the images too.
How about going through all the pictures you've uploaded and make sure the tags are up to scratch. That would really fine tune the search facility

I've already made a start this morning....
I will have to do it in chunks as I have to prepare for a move having finally got a job!

Andy Thompson said:
How about going through all the pictures you've uploaded and make sure the tags are up to scratch. That would really fine tune the search facility

It's a job and if anyone can think of an easy way of getting members to do it every time they upload something that certainly will means less work later, and that items can be traced easily.


Gary said:
I've already made a start this morning....
I will have to do it in chunks as I have to prepare for a move having finally got a job!

Andy Thompson said:
How about going through all the pictures you've uploaded and make sure the tags are up to scratch. That would really fine tune the search facility

Short of making it impossible to upload the photo unless it has a tag or two (figuratively speaking) Andy, I don't think you can.
I have been guilty of uploading without tags - mostly the earlier uploads - but I am working on fixing it.
I will do mine as & when I can as I said I have to get sorted as I am now employed again and will be living out of a suitcase for a bit!

Andy Thompson said:
It's a job and if anyone can think of an easy way of getting members to do it every time they upload something that certainly will means less work later, and that items can be traced easily.


Gary said:
I've already made a start this morning....
I will have to do it in chunks as I have to prepare for a move having finally got a job!

Andy Thompson said:
How about going through all the pictures you've uploaded and make sure the tags are up to scratch. That would really fine tune the search facility

I think we all have done it. Some through not knowing how and why. That's why I'm pushing it now. There is a lot of stuff on this site and I will go through pages to make sure its all searchable


Gary said:
Short of making it impossible to upload the photo unless it has a tag or two (figuratively speaking) Andy, I don't think you can.
I have been guilty of uploading without tags - mostly the earlier uploads - but I am working on fixing it.
I will do mine as & when I can as I said I have to get sorted as I am now employed again and will be living out of a suitcase for a bit!

Andy Thompson said:
It's a job and if anyone can think of an easy way of getting members to do it every time they upload something that certainly will means less work later, and that items can be traced easily.


Gary said:
I've already made a start this morning....
I will have to do it in chunks as I have to prepare for a move having finally got a job!

Andy Thompson said:
How about going through all the pictures you've uploaded and make sure the tags are up to scratch. That would really fine tune the search facility


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