‘The Stratford Upon Avon & Midland Junction Railway’ (or S.M.J.) was a small independent railway company which ran a line across the empty, untouched centre of England. It visited the counties of Northamptonshire, Warwickshire, Oxfordshire and a little of Buckinghamshire, only existing as the SMJ from 1909 to 1923. In 1923 the S.M.J.became a minor arm of the London Midland and Scottish (L.M.S.), then in 1948 'British Railways' 

Gone but not forgotten: "the damsel is not dead, but sleepeth"


SMJ Forum

SMJ seats at York Museum ? 1 Reply

I took my grandson to the National Railway Museum on Dec. 30th and noticed two bench seats, of the type found on station platforms until traditional stations were replaced with bus-shelters. Both bear the title " STRATFORD " - I'll try and upload…Continue

Started by Paul Atherton. Last reply by Simon Dunkley Feb 22.

More building at Towcester 2 Replies

I hear there has been more building at the station site in Towcester.Anyone know what they've dug up?…Continue

Tags: Towcester

Started by Andy Thompson. Last reply by Nigel Nov 7, 2024.

Broom History Group Event 9th November 2024

Broom History Group will be holding an event at Broom Village Hall 2-4pm on 9th November 2024 including a film on the railway and Broom Junction.…Continue

Started by Simon Stevens Oct 25, 2024.

Misunderstanding Easton Neston 2 Replies

Hello, I'm a new member and I've searched through the articles and can't find anything specific to my answer/ question. Can anyone help?…Continue

Started by Matt Davis. Last reply by Matt Davis Oct 16, 2024.

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So gentleman, when are we going to have our first SMJ get-together then? I know it will take some arranging and we'll only need a phone box to hold it in but who fancy's the idea?

A slow-burner that one - no rush!


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I look forward to meeting colleagues at Stoke Bruerne. As a suggestion for a future venue for a meeting, or just for an outing, what about the full-scale replica of the Broom station building at the Midland Railway Centre, Butterley, near Ripley, Derbyshire.

Andy Thompson said:
Looks like you have a deal! What do we do now, we need to get the ball rolling and get a date set.

Andy Thompson said:
David I think that sounds a great idea. What does everyone else think! May we have some more info David so as people can make plans?


David Blagrove said:
Andy (and others), just a brief thought.

I am Chairman of the Friends of the Stoke Bruerne Canal Museum and we run a Gala weekend every year in June, during which we make a special feature of historic boats and local history generally. This year we are holding it over the weekend 11th-13th June and one of the themes will be the celebration of the centenary of the birth of L.T.C. (Tom) Rolt. So far as the waterways are concerned, Rolt is a central figure since his book "Narrow Boat" of 1944 began the revival of interest in the waterways of this country and led to the establishment of the Inland Waterways Association. similarly his enthusiasm for narrow gauge railways began the railway preservation movement as we know it today with the re-opening of the Tal-y-Llyn by volunteers in 1951. Tom's widow, Sonia, is one of our members and, hopefully, will be present at this year's Gala.

I am certain that we could find a room or a tent for some sort of meeting, or maybe even a display of photos or relics (or possibly models?). After all we very nearly had a branch of the E.N.M & T.R & O. J.R to the Museum itself (although in 1878, when it was proposed the building was a corn mill). Wolud any members be interested? Stoke Bruerne is a very pleasant place in summer and fairly easy to reach by road, being between the A5 and M1. Public transport is not so good though. There is a regular bus route from Milton Keynes to Peterborough along the A508 stopping a mile away at Roade and a local bus from Northampton, which does not run in the evenings and not at all on Sundays.

Just a thought.

We excuse you this time, but I don't want to see you using this excuse next time!! Andy

Barry Dunwoody said:

Sounds a great idea - wish I could come, Australia is a long way away although if you go with the June dates, I will be a bit nearer. I will be on the Rocky Mountaineer from Vancouver to Banff! I'll take lots of photos to post.

Oooh Geoffrey, steady-on, you might have started something! Andy

Geoffrey Kingscott said:
I look forward to meeting colleagues at Stoke Bruerne. As a suggestion for a future venue for a meeting, or just for an outing, what about the full-scale replica of the Broom station building at the Midland Railway Centre, Butterley, near Ripley, Derbyshire.

Andy Thompson said:
Looks like you have a deal! What do we do now, we need to get the ball rolling and get a date set.

Andy Thompson said:
David I think that sounds a great idea. What does everyone else think! May we have some more info David so as people can make plans?


David Blagrove said:
Andy (and others), just a brief thought.

I am Chairman of the Friends of the Stoke Bruerne Canal Museum and we run a Gala weekend every year in June, during which we make a special feature of historic boats and local history generally. This year we are holding it over the weekend 11th-13th June and one of the themes will be the celebration of the centenary of the birth of L.T.C. (Tom) Rolt. So far as the waterways are concerned, Rolt is a central figure since his book "Narrow Boat" of 1944 began the revival of interest in the waterways of this country and led to the establishment of the Inland Waterways Association. similarly his enthusiasm for narrow gauge railways began the railway preservation movement as we know it today with the re-opening of the Tal-y-Llyn by volunteers in 1951. Tom's widow, Sonia, is one of our members and, hopefully, will be present at this year's Gala.

I am certain that we could find a room or a tent for some sort of meeting, or maybe even a display of photos or relics (or possibly models?). After all we very nearly had a branch of the E.N.M & T.R & O. J.R to the Museum itself (although in 1878, when it was proposed the building was a corn mill). Wolud any members be interested? Stoke Bruerne is a very pleasant place in summer and fairly easy to reach by road, being between the A5 and M1. Public transport is not so good though. There is a regular bus route from Milton Keynes to Peterborough along the A508 stopping a mile away at Roade and a local bus from Northampton, which does not run in the evenings and not at all on Sundays.

Just a thought.


Can you advice me as how best to get hold of people over your way?


ray wake said:
A good idea.I think you would be surprised at the response in the Northampton Area.

Ray. Wake
Yes please, we'll take all the display boards and memorabillia you can muster!


David Chambers said:
Stoke is fine for me and can also bring display boards/memorabillia etc
Good pub very handy also, I wonder if they have a spare function room?
Andy Thompson said:

Can you advice me as how best to get hold of people over your way?


ray wake said:
A good idea.I think you would be surprised at the response in the Northampton Area.

Ray. Wake
It would be best to let the local RCTS advertise the get to gether event.
I could also put something in the local press a little nearer the time.

Ray Wake

ray wake said:
Andy Thompson said:

Can you advice me as how best to get hold of people over your way?


ray wake said:
A good idea.I think you would be surprised at the response in the Northampton Area.

Ray. Wake
I will advertise the get -to -gether at our Northampton RCTS meetings.

Nice one Ray - that should grab some people. If I was going to contact just one newspaper, which one do you suggest?

ray wake said:
It would be best to let the local RCTS advertise the get to gether event.
I could also put something in the local press a little nearer the time.

Ray Wake

ray wake said:
Andy Thompson said:

Can you advice me as how best to get hold of people over your way?


ray wake said:
A good idea.I think you would be surprised at the response in the Northampton Area.

Ray. Wake

The Chronicle & Echo.Upper Mounts. Northampton nn1 3hr RAY WAKE

Andy Thompson said:
Nice one Ray - that should grab some people. If I was going to contact just one newspaper, which one do you suggest?

ray wake said:
It would be best to let the local RCTS advertise the get to gether event.
I could also put something in the local press a little nearer the time.

Ray Wake

ray wake said:
Andy Thompson said:

Can you advice me as how best to get hold of people over your way?


ray wake said:
A good idea.I think you would be surprised at the response in the Northampton Area.

Ray. Wake
Sorry not to have been back beforehand, but I had a bad fall at the end of January and ended up with a broken writing arm, which has since had to be fixed in Northampton Genral Hospital by an operation. I am now slowly regaining the use of both arms, so can report on current progress.

I have spoken to the manager of the Canal Museum and he is prepared to let the embryonic Society have the use of a room at the back of the Museum over the weekend 12th/13th June next for some sort of display. I am also hoping to have a steam-operated ride-on miniature railway on site which can be associated with an SMJ display. Even if the railway does not materialise, we should have some ride-on miniature traction engines on the towpath and maybe a steamboat on the canal, so there will be something for steam buffs.

It might be possible to arrange a meeting in either one of the Museum school rooms or a small tent, or alternatively one of the two pubs. The "Boat Inn" does not have a function room as such, but it mgiht be possible to use one of the spare licensed rooms at a slack time, similarly "the Navigation" has a room capable of holding about 20 persons at a place apart from the rest of the pub.

I would suggest that someone takes over co-ordinating such a meeting and then lets me know exactly what will be required, and we'll take it forward from there. I shall be rather busy myself since I am in overall charge of entertainments and trade exhibits for the weekend, but will be only too pleased to act as a gereal facilitator.

Great Idea and Location... shame I'm away that weekend would of loved to attend. I am sure this will be the start of many and can only look forward to the next. .... There will be a next.... yeah !!?

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