‘The Stratford Upon Avon & Midland Junction Railway’ (or S.M.J.) was a small independent railway company which ran a line across the empty, untouched centre of England. It visited the counties of Northamptonshire, Warwickshire, Oxfordshire and a little of Buckinghamshire, only existing as the SMJ from 1909 to 1923. In 1923 the S.M.J.became a minor arm of the London Midland and Scottish (L.M.S.), then in 1948 'British Railways' 

Gone but not forgotten: "the damsel is not dead, but sleepeth"


SMJ Forum

SMJ seats at York Museum ? 1 Reply

I took my grandson to the National Railway Museum on Dec. 30th and noticed two bench seats, of the type found on station platforms until traditional stations were replaced with bus-shelters. Both bear the title " STRATFORD " - I'll try and upload…Continue

Started by Paul Atherton. Last reply by Simon Dunkley Feb 22.

More building at Towcester 2 Replies

I hear there has been more building at the station site in Towcester.Anyone know what they've dug up?…Continue

Tags: Towcester

Started by Andy Thompson. Last reply by Nigel Nov 7, 2024.

Broom History Group Event 9th November 2024

Broom History Group will be holding an event at Broom Village Hall 2-4pm on 9th November 2024 including a film on the railway and Broom Junction.…Continue

Started by Simon Stevens Oct 25, 2024.

Misunderstanding Easton Neston 2 Replies

Hello, I'm a new member and I've searched through the articles and can't find anything specific to my answer/ question. Can anyone help?…Continue

Started by Matt Davis. Last reply by Matt Davis Oct 16, 2024.

SMJ photos

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 Hello out there I’m looking for dimensional drawings of the EWJR / SMJ locomotives.

I’ve already purchased those from the HMRS but there aren’t many and those from the Beyer Peacock collection at the museum but they are too complex for modeling purposes and must be radically scaled down

Could one of the SMJ members help a lone SMJR aficionado from Belgium?

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If you have the BP drawings, then you can obtain the key dimensions from them, and draw your own. This is useful as when you draw things like the boiler outline, the general arrangement drawing will provide you with the dimension over the boiler jackets (the metal sheeting outside the insulation) rather than the diameter quoted in dimension tables.

Be careful with the drawings: they are linked to the order date, and not the delivery date.

Hello Simon

The drawings I have are:

              EWJR loco 0-6-0 T Hope; without dimensions from “A History of the Stratford upon Avon & Midland Junction Railway” by RC Riley and B Simpson

              EWJR loco 0-6-6-0 T Fairlie without dimensions from “The Stratford & Midland junction Railway” by J. Dun

EWJR loco 0-6-0 Beyer Peacock N°2 with a scale rule

EWJR locos 0-6-0 Beyer Peacock N°3 & 4 HMRS drawing N° 15816( I expect )

EWJR locos 7; 8 & 9 LNXR DX Goods

EWJR locos 0-6-0  Beyer Peacock N°10; 11 & 12 HMRS drawing N° 15816 ( I expect )

EWJR locos 0-6-0  Beyer Peacock N°13; 14; 15 & 16 HMRS drawing 15815( I expect )

EWJR locos 0-6-0  Beyer Peacock N°17 & 18 HMRS drawing 15815( I expect )

I have nothing concerning:

              EWJR loco 0-6-0 ST N° 1

              EWJR loco 0-6-0 ST Manning Wardle

EWJR locos 2-4-0T  Beyer Peacock N°5 & 6

SMJR loco 0-6-0  ex LBSCR N°7 ( first N° )

EWJR loco 2-4-0  Beyer Peacock N°13 ( first N° )

This information is based on the literature I have available and may be subject to conjecture

If additional information; dimensions and/or drawings are not available I would be happy to obtain some main dimensions such as wheel diameters and wheel spacing’s in order to work the other dimensions from side view photography’s

Best regards


Hi Jack

I can help a bit on this- I used to have several drawing of SMJ locos back in my modelling days, but at least I have kept most of the references.

LBSCR 0--6-0-

There is a reasonable scaled drawing of this class in "Locomotives worth modelling", published Percival Marshall 1955 (but reprinted since) by F C Hambleton. Page 79 is the loco and p88 a suitable(?) tender.

MW 0-6-0ST -

This class has appeared in a few model mags over the years, but the one I listed was in Model Railway News for Sept 1976-double page 7mm/ft scaled drawing of it as the Selsey railway "Morous" after sale from the EWJR. Might be a few details differences but the same basic loco.

EWJR Beyer Peacock 2-4-0T-

there was a good double page drawing of this in either MR News or maybe Model Railways - unfortunately I don't now have the details but perhaps somebody else has this one? It is of Swindon Marlborough & Andover Ry No.10 - however 2 identical locos on their order were not delivered to them and went instead to the EWJR as their 5 & 6 - so again an identical loco.

Early EWJR 2-4-0T -

only worked on the line to 1875 and then returned to the makers Beyer Peacock. However they then went to the LYR where one became crane tank No.518 - there is a drawing of this in Model railway Constructor June 1960.

Finally a couple of wagons-

Goods van No.25 and Low sided wagon No.41 - drawings in Model Railway News August 1961

hope this helps a little


I think you have more than me, but we have some overlap between us.

I used the dimensions from Dunn (later addition, as appended by Richard Allen) for Hope to come up with a pencil drawing of hope, using the photo in the same book to guesstimate some of the details. I cannot vouch for any accuracy, though. But then again, who can. I can scan it in, but I am not sure how well it will work.

For numbers 5 & 6, the drawings in MRN cover the original condition. The two rebuilds would be easy enough to derive from this. Haven't done this myself as I dislike the changes to the looks!

Be careful with the DX goods. I found out about two weeks too late when mine was being built that they arrived with Ramsbottom boilers, which are greater in diameter and pitched lower, and have a longer boiler but shorter firebox. They were not, as far as I have been able to tell, fitted with "early Webb" boilers (I.e. revised dimensions but with a Ramsbottom pattern smoke box). Number 7 was obviously reboilered with a Webb boiler, and looked like any other DX apart from the EWJR or SMJR ownership plates/lettering on the tender, and the number carried.

As for number 13, no drawing exists directly. However, the design is essentially one delivered to the Hull and Barnsley but fitted with a Belpaire firebox. This was a Kirtley design, based (with permission, whilst he was a consulting engineer to the HBJR) on an outside framed design produced for the LCDR. There is a weight diagram in the HMRS book on locos of the HBJR, from which dimensions can be derived. This is well within copyright, but I managed to pick up a copy of the book for a heavily discounted price from the HMRS stand at a show.

The best drawings of the Manning, Wardle 0-6-0ST are in Model Railway Journal issue number 12, produced by Don Townsley.

Can't help with the ex-LBSCR loco: no interest to me!

Hope that all helps - send me a private message/email for any specifics.

I kept promising myself that I will learn how to use a CAD package sometime, but so far have not managed to get my guards van into gear. The only reason would be the production of drawings for modelling, and so far my need for these is too far in the future to motivate me. Mind you, I have been saying that to myself for the best part of twenty years...


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