Hi everybody,
My late Father had an SMJ Beware of Trains plate on the wall in his garden. A couple of weeks ago my family donated it as a gift to Towcester Museum, as we wanted it to be kept in the area as a reminder of the railway for future generations.
Some years ago my Father described its origin as being “near Salcey Forest, near where the Hackleton Road crossed the railway; it was reached via a farm access track.”
Having studied a 1:25k map from 1950 and a 1:1250 map from 1900, I have identified some possible locations.
From west to east on the pictures below:
South of Piddington is Bridge 171. Just north of the bridge is a track past some allotments that turns right and terminates at the edge of the railway. The larger scale map suggests that the railway is still in a cutting at this point. Neither map suggests a continuation of the track on the south side of the railway.
Further east a footpath crosses the railway line. Both maps indicate that there was a footbridge at this location, although I could not make it out in any of the published photographs looking west along the line from Salcey Forest station.
Next there is the site of Salcey Forest station, close to Bridge 172 on the road from Hackleton and accessed by a farm track. My Father visited the station in 1961 and took 2 photos (I will upload these onto this site later). I am puzzled why he did not say that he had found the plate at the old station site if that had been the case.
Finally there is the occupation crossing near Ravenstone Wood Junction. However, that is 1.6 miles away from where the Hackleton Road crossed the railway, and I am sure that my Father would have described the location as being near the junction if it had come from there (he took a photo of the water tower at Olney, so knew of the junction).
I cannot see any other possible locations on the maps.
Your comments and suggestions would be most welcome.
Thanks, Tim