In the summer of 1988 I was with my parents in Straford-upon-Avon. We were walking south along the east bank of the Avon when we came across an old railway bridge across the river. My father wanted to go up the embankment to explore, but my mother's arthritis meant she wouldn't have been able to. So we didn't.
Now that I know what that bridge was, and what used to be at the other end of the bridge I am disappointed that we didn't explore. And that was enhanced the first time I drove along the bypass in subsequent years and noticed the platform edge that still exists.
So my question is, what would we have seen in 1988 if we had climbed up onto the bridge and headed over the river. Maps suggest not a lot, so I suspect the platforms edges and overgrown platform surfaces and overgrown track bed. Maps seem to show that there were no buildings left.
Was there a path we could have used, or was the route too overgrown?
Are there any photos of the station then?
I wonder if the council have any archives, in particular, pre-bypass photos, acquired during the bypass planning stages.
Can you help put my disappointment to bed?